
Arne Lindtner Naess - filmography

1 March 2019

Karsten og Petra pa skattejakt
Directed by: Aurora Gosse, Arne Lindtner Naess
Cast: Janne Formoe, Markus Tønseth, Anna Celine Bredal
Category: family

The best friends of Kacper and Emma are going on vacation with Emma's grandfather Jørgen at the seaside. They use baths, collect shells, build sand castles, fly kites and even fish. Holidays like any... more

4 May 2018

Karsten og Petra lager teater
Directed by: Aurora Langaas Gosse, Arne Lindtner Naess
Cast: Markus Tonseth, Anna Celine Bredal, Janne Formoe
Category: family

Kacper and Emma go to the theater with other children from kindergarten. They like the show so much that they decide to become actors. The kindergarten they attend joins the orphanage in India. Kacper... more

28 July 2017

Karsten og Petra ut pa tur
Directed by: Arne Lindtner Naess
Cast: Oliver Dahl, Sigrun Enge, Janne Formoe
Category: family

After the school year, it is time for a holiday and a well deserved vacation. Mountains seem to be the perfect place - not only fresh air and wonderful views, but also a chance to experience many... more

13 January 2017

Karsten og Petra pa safari
Directed by: Arne Lindtner Naess
Cast: Elias Sovold-Simonsen, Nora Amundsen, Ine Aakre
Category: family

The next edition of the adventures of Emma and Casper. This time, the heroes of the film and their mascots: Leo and Mrs. Rabbit moving to exotic Africa.
Emma brings Caspar important news: her mother... more

4 December 2015

Karsten og Petras vidunderlige jul
Directed by: Arne Lindtner Naess
Cast: Nora Amundsen, Elias Sovold-Simonsen, Hilde Lyran
Category: family

The third part of the adventures Caspar and Emma enjoys enormous popularity in Norway (over 200 thousand. Viewers in cinemas) and in the world. Holidays are approaching, but I still do not see the snow.... more

5 December 2014

Karsten og Petra pa vinterferie
Directed by: Arne Lindtner Naess
Cast: Nora Amundsen, Hilde Louise Asbjornsen, Janne Formoe
Category: family

Casper and Emma spend their winter holidays with his grandfather girls where playing in the snow and learning to ski. more

17 October 2014

Karsten og Petra blir bestevenner
Directed by: Arne Lindtner Naess
Cast: Nora Amundsen, Hilde Louise Asbjornsen, Janne Formoe

Nowe sytuacje
Przed 5-letnim Kacprem nowe wyzwanie. Zaczyna naukę w nowym przedszkolu. Dzięki pomocy rezolutnej Emmy okaże się, że strach ma wielkie oczy. Zmiana przedszkola, grupy, rozpoczęcie nowego... more